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Faculty Resource Guide

How do I find the Library's embeddable content?

The Library provides interactive modules to help you teach Core Competency concepts. You can use these videos, tutorials, and quizzes individually, as in-class activities, or as embedded assignments in Bb. Embedded quizzes link directly to your gradebook.

Preview our interactive modules, categorized by Core Competency concepts


Request Library Instruction

How do I know what Research Guides (LibGuides) are available?

Who are my campus librarians?

Library Information for Faculty and Staff

3 Ways to Access the GTC Library's Website

Navigating the Library Content System - video playlist

How to Access Databases and eBooks Off-Campus

How do I Request Digital Delivery of Physical Book Chapters / Sections?

How Do I Request Items from other SC Colleges

Upcoming Library Workshops and Events

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Accessibility at GTC