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Faculty Resource Guide

OIT Tutorials and Instructional guides

Where can I find help for an ELMO document camera or other classroom technology?

How can I get help to reset a password?

What do I do when I have IT issues on campus?

What do I do when an equipment/technology upgrade is needed?

Who can I contact to get my computer fixed when I can't log into the computer to put in a request?

You may call 864-255-4357 (HELP) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

What do I do if I suspect I have received a phishing email?

If you receive a suspicious email, forward it to for review.

Monitor your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) activity.
If you encounter unexpected login prompts or phone calls from Microsoft Authenticator, do not approve the login. Instead, immediately reset your GTC password using the tools listed below.

Act quickly if you’ve interacted with a phishing email.
If you clicked a link or shared information, reset your GTC password immediately.
Password Reset Resources:
Self-Service Password Reset Tool
Self-Service Password Reset Tool User Guide

Who are the contacts for OIT?

You can search OIT in the Outlook address book. This will take you to a departmental email address:

To find individual email addresses, search for Infrastructure Support Services.

Institutional Effectiveness houses Information Technology

What if I need help with my Gmail or Outlook account?

What do I do if a light bulb goes out in a projector on a satellite campus?

Who do I call if the overhead projector vibrates?

What if I need help with an ELMO document camera or other classroom equipment?

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