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Faculty Resource Guide

Where can I find information for resources available to students?


STAR Center (incl. Caring Corner) Information

Where do I locate financial opportunities to assist students with hardship events, fuel, utility bills, etc?

Contact Gina Bridges, Director, STAR Center, at 864-250-8329 or (

Program guidelines are available at:

The STAR Center is a resource for students in need. The Center houses the Caring Corner food pantry, which provides shelf-stable food items, meats, and hygiene products. A brief application is required. The frequency of student shopping is every two weeks.

The STAR Center maintains an Emergency Financial Assistance program. Any currently enrolled student pursuing a degree, diploma, or certificate may be eligible. Students may apply for funds when they have exhausted all other resources, including loans through the Office of Financial Aid. This funding is not intended to replace or supplement existing financial aid and does not have to be repaid.

Where can I find information about the Student Disability Resource Center?

Where do I find information for Student Records?

Where do I find information on Tutoring?

What do I do when a student asks to speak with a department head?

How can I find contacts for different offices for the student? For example, Student Services, Financial Aid, Business Office, Student Records.

Using the Address Book in Outlook, click the "More columns" radio button at the top, then search by department. Contact info for employees in that department will be listed:

What if a student cannot afford a book?

The Foundation can sometimes help with books. 

The student could also check with the Library or possibly the department may have a copy to loan out.

How can I make a referral to Academic Coaching, Center for Student Advocacy, PATH office, Tutoring,etc.?

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