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Faculty Resource Guide

In the desktop version of Outlook, use the Address Book to find phone numbers, mail stops, office numbers, etc.:

In the web-based version of Outlook:

1. Use the search box at the top at the to look for a person's name.

2. When they appear in the drop-down list, click on the Show contact information tile on the right.  



Campus Directors/Admins/Schedulers

Satellite Campus Contacts (Benson, Brashier, Northwest)   Dean of Satellite Campuses
Update February 19, 2020     Mikelle Porter
Benson Campus  Campus / Building Scheduler Melinda Williamson x3014
  Administrative Assistant Melinda Williamson x3014
Brashier Campus Administrative Assistant Margaret Hill x4128
  Campus / Building Scheduler Margaret Hill x4128
Northwest Campus Administrative Assistant Tracy Nutting x3650
  Campus/ Building Scheduler Tracy Nutting x3650


How can I find a mailstop for an employee?

In the desktop version of Outlook, use the Address Book to find phone numbers, mail stops, office numbers, etc.:

In the web-based version of Outlook:

1. Use the search box at the top at the to look for a person's name.

2. When they appear in the drop-down list, click on the Show contact information tile on the right.  



Is there a contact list of Program Directors?

There is no list of Program Directors available. The best way to find this information is to search by Program on the College's Academic Areas of Study page. The contact information for the Program Director or Department Head will be listed there.

Is there a way to find out who works in certain support departments? For example purchasing, financial aid, etc.

Use the Address Book in Outlook, click the "More columns" radio button at the top, then search by department, for example Business Office. Contact info for employees in that department will be listed:

Is there a list for persons with 25Live access?

Who are the contacts in Public Relations?

Press and Media Contacts

Institutional & Executive Public Relations | Becky Mann | (864) 250-8305
Programmatic Public Relations | Lisa Thornton | (864) 236-6477

Information about FOIA requests

Who are the contacts in Marketing and Communications?

Marketing and Communications Guidelines for GVLTEC

Marketing and Communications Team

Please note that all marketing requests should be sent via the marketing request form located on GTC4me (http://tbfilemaker/)

Joshua Friesen – Marketing Director

Nancy Englisbe – Administrative Coordinator

Robyn Wilcox – Web Content Manager

Denisha Wilson – Creative Director

Beth Thomason – Programmatic PR

Lisa Thornton – Marketing Coordinator - EDCT

Latressa Ellis — Marketing Coordinator CCE

Torien Oglesby — Media Coordinator

Department Directory

Who is in charge of Curriculum Management?

Anna Scott
Program Coordinator, Curriculum Management, 250-8283
Curriculum Management:  New/Revised/Terminated Programs, New/Revised/Terminated Courses | Course Requisites | Curriculum Committee | College Catalog |Academic Program Review | Prior Learning Assessment | Career Pathways

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