All instructors now have access to the Advising Resources and Training course listed under Courses in their Blackboard account. Clicking the link provided here will take you to the main sign-in page for GTC4Me. Here you will find all things related to advising. This is an amazing resource! Please look through it and see what all is available to you.
The Advising Resources and Training Course will have information that answers questions such as the following:
Assistant Dean, Academic Advancement & Support
Rene Sawyer (864-250-8528)
Divisional Advisors for the individual schools within Greenville Tech:
School of Arts and Sciences:
Jessica Johnson (250-8701) or Devin McCallum (236-6679)
School of Health Sciences:Robert Walker (250-8421), Lori Stepp, Nichole Canty (250-8365), or Camilla Bravo (250-8445)
All students will be required to take COL 105 in Associate Programs beginning 2020FA. Certificate programs will not be required to take any COL courses, but COL 103 is optional. There are three unnamed programs that are currently exempt .Contac Lori Stepp to find out more details.
Use of Civitas Inspire college wide.