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Greenville Technical College Libraries’ computers are provided to enhance and support teaching, learning, and curricular needs. Priority use is for research and course-related activities.

All patrons must adhere to Greenville Technical College's Information Security Policy and Procedures. Inappropriate use may result in the loss of computer privileges, and unlawful activities may result in prosecution by local, state, and/or federal authorities.

Examples of inappropriate use:

  • Modifying a computer's system setup or installing software
  • Violating copyright laws or software licensing
  • Accessing, displaying, or sending offensive, obscene, or harassing materials
  • Non-educational gaming
  • Disturbing or being disrespectful to others
  • Operating computer volume too loud
  • Eating or drinking at computers

Greenville Technical College Libraries assume no responsibility for the confidentiality or security of information viewed or sent through the college's network. The network administrator and any designees may view the messages and files of any user at the discretion of the college.

GTC Libraries' computers at Benson, Brashier, CMI, McKinney, and Northwest campuses require login with a GTC username and password for use. Computers for community use are available in GTC Computer Labs and at Barton Library. 

GTC Technical Support is available for students and employees as needed.

Technology Collection

The Barton Library has many technology items available to check out:

  • Various charging cords and connection cables as well as headphones can be borrowed for 2 hours.
  • Calculators, web cameras, and headsets with microphones can be borrowed for 7 days.

More information can be found on our Borrowing Privileges page and in our Circulation Policy.

Print / Copy / Scan

printer icon by chris 論, with CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

How to Print on GTC Campuses:


Adding Money & Other GTC Printing Account FAQs:

TRiO students are eligible for free printing. Students participating in the TRiO program can visit building 103 room 309 on the Barton campus for free prints and copies. Students taking courses at other GTC campuses can contact a TRiO team member to request $10.00 of free services each semester.  

Refunds can be requested by contacting with your GTC email account. 


How to Scan to Email Using Campus Printers:

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Accessibility at GTC