Need more help than this page provided please reach out to the CISC team by submitting a support ticket.
Guest Instructor: Used for course leads and substitute instructors. The role provides instructor access to the course and is available for those that support with course set up. Not to be used for the instructor of record/listed in Colleague.
Student Support: Used for peer leaders and tutors. The role provides access to view all content including content hidden from students and those with release conditions. The gradebook will be hidden. *If you select this role, you acknowledge that you understand that the person enrolled has access to all content.
Student: Used for tutors and instructors needing student access. The role provides student access to visible content. If the course uses release conditions, anyone using this role will need to have exceptions in place to see content that is hidden by release conditions.
Peer Reviewer: Used for course reviewers and observers. The role provides instructor view of the course with access to all settings. This role cannot make course edits. CISC will use this for Academic Specialist certified instructors when reviewing courses.
Instructor_Do_Not_Use: Do not use this role. This is a CISC role set up for internal use by Blackboard Administrators.
Course Copy Request Form --> now part of the CISC Support Ticket
Blackboard/Concourse Access Request Form--> now part of the CISC Support Ticket
How to navigate the Bb Admin Tab*
How to add someone to a course (including yourself)*
How to run an ALLY report for your department*
*coming soon
April 15 – Summer Term
July 15 – Fall Term
November 15 – Spring Term
Thirty days prior to the start of the semester, OIT will build the syllabi for all active sections. Those syllabi will be copied directly from the templates. Therefore, any changes to the templates after these dates will not be copied into the active section syllabi. If there is a change that is necessary after the deadline, submit a ticket to CISC requesting assistance with an update.
For the templates, here is a list of the Concourse Items that should be confirmed and updated each semester prior to the deadline listed above:
Adjust any Program Policies or Program Learning Outcomes
Course Schedule Entries
Contact Information and Course Schedules should be updated by the instructor for each section.
*Your department may choose to update these syllabus items at the template level. Doing so will allow the information to cascade to the course sections. For example, by adding Course Schedule Entries at the template level, the Course Schedule will appear for all sections. If these areas should be updated by the instructor and are section-specific, leave them blank on the template.
**Your school may include school leadership as a contact entry. If so, these should be added at the Course Template Level. Check with your Assistant Dean to confirm.
How to run reports*
How to copy templates to active courses*
How to copy single items*
How to edit a course syllabus template.
How to edit a course syllabus (at the individual section level).
*coming soon