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Rooms & Pods

Greenville Technical College Libraries currently offer study rooms and/or pods at the Barton Library and Northwest Library Commons. Pods are coming soon to the SCTAC Library, the Benson and Brashier Library Commons, and the CMI and McKinney campuses.

Priority use is given to currently enrolled GTC students using the study room or pod to access GTC Libraries’ resources and services and to complete academic course work.

After students, priority is given to:

    1. GTC faculty
    2. GTC tutors and other staff
    3. Community patrons including alumni

GTC study rooms and pods are not reserved in advance. Rooms and pods may be used for two hours at a time and may be renewed for one additional hour as long as it is available and no one else is waiting to use it. 

Barton Library study rooms must be checked out using a GTC ID. Library staff will maintain a wait list if necessary for any time after the initial two hour use period. If one room becomes available, the wait list will be used to fill the open room.

All study room and pod users must:

  • Keep the doors closed and lights on when the room or pod is occupied.
  • Use a low voice and device volume to ensure sound does not disturb others outside of the room or pod.
  • Be courteous to others using and waiting to use the room or pod.
  • Follow all GTC College and Libraries policies and procedures.
  • Leave the room clean and neat with all trash and food thrown away.
  • GTC Libraries are not responsible for any lost or stolen property.

GTC Libraries reserve the right to limit future use of the study rooms and pods if policies are violated.

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